Wednesday, September 2, 2009



Memory verse: "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God" (Matthew 5:8)

Read: Matthew 25:1-13

A woman or man who has never had never had carnal knowledge with the opposite sex is a VIRGIN. There are some outstanding attribute of a virgin. The first one is purity. A virgin is pure. God is pure and as a result, He is interested in purity. In the Old Testament, He instructed that everything used in the building of His temple should be pure (Exodus 25). The temple oil was to be pure olive oil (Exodus 27:10). The altar was to be overlaid with pure Gold (Exodus 30:1-3). In fact , we were expected to dress either with 100% pure cotton, pure wool and pure linen. No mix of wool and cotton was tolerated.

  Everything about God is purity. Psalm 12:6 says His words and pure. His commandments too are pure (Psalm 19:8). Little wonder God pays particular interest to virgins. They are special to Him. 2 Samuel 22:27 says, " With the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure; and with thy froward thou wilt shew thyself unsavoury." If you are pure, you will access the priceless benefit that God has reserved for the pure like Him. He will regard you as He regards Himself. He will gently treat you as He treats Himself. According to Job 8:6-7, if you are pure, God will arise and take over your battles. That means anyone who makes you their object of attack, will end up fighting God, not you. Many believers claim the promise of Exodus 14:14 but it does not materalize because their lives fall short of the level of purity to cause God to rise and fight on their behalf.

 The Lord promises prosperity for the pure. Purity is a spiritual magnet that automatically attracts the best of God's goodness, not crumbs. Whenever purity is, increase will come. If your beginning is small, your ends shall be great. Are you pastor of a very small church? If you are pure, God will greatly increase you. Matthew 5:8 says the pure are the ones who qualify to see God. Are you pure? Are you still a virgin? You became a virgin the day you receive Jesus into your heart as Saviour. How is your robe of righteousness? Is it still white, clean and pure? Have you defiled yourself with the portion of the king's meat through compromise in your family, office, school or ministry? Arise and Repent. Walk before God spotlessly and He will delight in you.

ACTION POINT: Purity is a virtue every Heaven -bound believer must have. Do you have it?

If you want to begin a personal life with Jesus today, please pray this prayer"

" Lord Jesus, I invite you into my life. I believe you died for me and that your blood pays for my sins and provides me with the gift of eternal life. By faith i receive that gift and acknowledge You as my lord and saviour. Amen".

Dear Lord Jesus, I give my life to you as my saviour so that my joy will be full. Lord Jesus, I dedicate my soul, spirit and my body to you. I know you have delivered and saved me.

If you have said the above prayer and wish to be led to christ, please call this phone number +234 8024550445 or you can write me at So that i can pray with you.

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